Becoming the man
God created you
to be may be easier
than you think.
Get the practical help you’ve been looking for.
Here are 9 of the most deeply felt needs we face as men. Explore them to find articles, podcasts, Bible studies, and books that can help you get where you want to go.
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Ben Carson Sr MD
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If you have reached this section of the site, you may want to know a little bit more about me.
First of all, this entire site is designed as a disciple-making hub for men of all ages.
My passion is helping you make sense of your life through my writing and teachings.
You will find a link to some of my credentials below, but first I’d like to speak to you from my heart.
I have listened to you, and I understand.
As men, we all want the same things. We want our lives to count and make a difference. We want to succeed and have great relationships. We want to be great husbands and fathers. We want to be fully alive.
What we want is so clear. But equally clear are the soul-crushing obstacles, blows, sorrows, and even defeats that block the way. I can relate — I still face all these things too.
Millions of men, just like you, have used my books and teachings to take their “next steps” — to figure out who they are, what their lives are about, and become fully alive in Christ.
Today, I feel fully alive in Christ. Here’s God’s promise: You can too. So, whether you’re just starting your journey, still investigating, have been off track for a while and want to reconnect with God, or you’re going strong and want to stay that way — I would be honored to walk with you for a season as a fatherly figure, or perhaps an older brother.