Materialism Is a Deceitful Master

23 Jan 2024

For Christmas one year I bought my wife an expensive, solid-gold Swiss watch. I confess I didn’t do this charitably out of a desire to honor her. My motive was a bit more sinister.

You see, I wanted an expensive, solid-gold Swiss watch myself, even though I already hard a perfectly good watch, but I didn’t feel like I could just go out and buy one. I thought about it for years.

Finally, I got a break. My wife’s thirteen-year-old watch started to die. I figured if I bought Patsy an expensive new watch, then I could buy the companion watch after a reasonable amount of time passed. I did, but God woke me up and I sold the watch a few weeks later. Money is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.

Until every church disciples every man…


(Adapted from the 25th Anniv. Ed. of The Man in the Mirror)

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