• It is big, very big.
• It is incomprehensible.
• We do not know how long it has been here.
• We don’t know how it was formed.
• We will continue to make scientific guesses about how it was formed, but they will remain theories.
• We probably never will know how it was formed.
• What we do know is infinitesimally small compared to what we don’t know.
• One hour spent gazing into and meditating upon a star studded sky will make you a better, softer, more humble person.
• Contemplating a photo from the Hubble telescope will leave you feeling contingent and small.
• Once you realize that you are very small, you then realize that even though there are 8 billion of us, the collective “us” is also very small.
• The universe is awesome.
• The universe is humbling.
• We must be very special.