Please join me in welcoming 10 new Area Directors to their first week of training! When these Godly men each shared their personal stories on Monday, I was overwhelmed and humbled by the way God has been preparing each of them for decades to serve the churches where they live.
We also are keenly aware that while these men are here in Orlando, back home are men who will this week abandon their families. There are wives weeping themselves to sleep because they don’t know how they can stay in their marriages one more day. A little 12-year-old girl is praying, “God, why is my daddy always so angry with me?” And thousands of other problems too that can only be solved by the gospel of Jesus.
We know that God is in control, but we also know that He has given us a sense of urgency to help churches more effectively reach and disciple these men. We already know that the battle for men’s souls is a battle we can win because, where Area Directors have been activated, we are winning.
MPD stands for “Ministry Partner Development” training – how and why to recruit donors to their local coalitions who share their passion and vision to help every church in their communities disciple every man. Please pray that these 10 men would have God’s favor as they ask others to join them in this great cause. We cannot, we must not and, by God’s grace, we will not fail.