Here is a poignant, encouraging look into the activation, ministry, and early success of one Area Director in South Carolina. His story is the norm. This is an excerpt from the newsletter Chris Rondeau sent to the team financing his ministry.
“At the end of April, I jumped out of the boat, so to speak, and attended “Boot Camp” at MIM HQ. It is our final classroom training before working directly with churches and becoming full-time. It was an amazing week of intense study, prayer and research. We were shown how to create, build and honor relationships with church pastors. How to build trust and share the passion that God has for each man in every church to be sold out for Him. We learned more about the MIM tools that a church can utilize along side their current ministry efforts. The twelve of us men that attended are now working part-time or full-time assisting churches in ministry.
“Since training, I have had the privilege to speak to and meet with over a dozen church leadership teams and several entire church association leaders. It’s awesome to see the desire within these men to learn how to reach more of their men directly for Christ. I enjoy sharing our ministry processes with them and seeing them catch their “Aha” moment. What a blessing! I’d like to share one of those events with you from back in April.
“A local church pastor I had met at a men’s FREE steak dinner invited me to present at their men’s breakfast. His church was struggling to get men involved. I presented one Saturday morning the message of our book, “Man Alive” and challenged the men to join a small group study of the book. There were about 45 men in attendance.
“Three weeks after the event the pastor and I met and he seemed a little down. I asked him why, he returned, “We only have 15 men in small groups from the event.” My response was this, “Before the event you had 15 men in three existing groups, that you were leading. Now there are 15 more men in 4 groups that “they” are leading. Of the 45 men who attended, 15 felt the need to meet in a small group. That is a 33% success rate from the event, mot to mention a 100% increase of men in your church now in a small groups. What if next year, half of those men start their own groups? This is success in Gods eyes.”
Chris gets it, and he’s now multiplying with results that just 30 months ago were only a dream. And your prayers and investments are what is making this possible in, so far, 90 markets in 34 states. To God be the glory and praise.
Until every church disciples every man….