How to Handle Disappointment

23 Jan 2024

We’re teaching a series called “Men Reaching Men” at The Man in the Mirror Bible Study. The goal is not to tell men “what” needs to be done (don’t we already know that?). Rather, it’s to show men “how” to actually reach out to another man!

It’s working! As of last Friday, 76 men have made a new connection with another man using what they’ve learned.

Now we turn to disappointment. In the previous two messages, men were given several ways to get involved in a man’s life and help him move forward in his walk with Christ. But anyone who has ever tried to help another person knows that it almost inevitably leads to disappointment. What do we do when we want men to grow more than they want to grow? And where does the disappointment really come from? Join us as David Delk answers these questions. It’s going to be a great day!

The Big Idea: Jesus called us to go, not to wait and see if they come to us.

Here’s the link for today’s Bible study.

Until we reach every man…



Click here to watch or listen to the Bible study.

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