It’s hard to picture solving problems like fatherlessness, divorce, poverty, pornography, racism, homelessness, and Wall Street corruption – to name a few – isn’t it?
But Jesus can do it. Jesus Christ and His gospel is the hope of the world. And we, His body, the church, of whom Christ is head, though deeply flawed and far from perfect, are, and always have been, His primary and most effective means of bringing Christ and His gospel to the world.
So the question is: How do we bring Christ and His gospel to the world in the most effective way? That question has already been answered. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples.” He did not post it on Facebook for an opinion poll. See if you agree with this statement…
No matter how we got into the current situation, the only solution is to disciple our way out.
We believe the most highly leveraged discipleship opportunity in the world today is to help churches more effectively disciple men.
Why? First, many of the most receptive men already attend church, or are hanging around the fringe. As Moody said, “I would rather wake a slumbering church than a slumbering world.” Why did he say that? Again, it’s about leverage.
Second, men are pacesetters. When men become disciples of Jesus, that discipleship percolates into their marriages, families, workplaces, communities, Facebook posts, gym conversations, and the world. Again, leverage.
The vision of Man in the Mirror is “for every church to disciple every man.”
Our annual meeting FUEL starts today. The first several days will be with Field Staff from across the country. Other leaders will join us from Thursday through Saturday.
Please pray for the favor of God to fall on us as we train, plan, and prepare to help every willing church disciple every willing man as soon as possible.
Until every church disciples every man…