Is there something you think you deserve? For example, it could be happiness, a better spouse, more obedient children, a better education, a better paying and more stimulating job, the ability to retire early, a more satisfying ministry, salvation, or good health.
Several things happen when we conclude that “I deserve” something.
The main thing, though, is that we will not be content. That’s because the words “I deserve” are the words of entitlement, not gratitude.
If the devil can delude us to think in terms of what “I deserve,” contentment will always be just beyond our reach.
Someone living in the throes of “I deserve” is a great example of what happens after Romans 1:25, “They exchanged the truth about God for a lie.”
Pushed to the limit, “I deserve” leads to “worshiping and serving the creature rather than the Creator.”
Creature worship has always been a letdown. No contentment there.
Worshipping the Creator leads to a spirit of gratitude and contentment.
Worshiping the creature leads to a spirit of entitlement and profound discontent.
Do any of us really want what “I deserve” at the end of any given day?
Until every church disciples every man…