Are you having a hard time getting men, and especially younger men, to engage in small groups?
“Create momentum” by inviting guys one-on-one for a cup of coffee, then have an authentic, personal conversation with them about how they’re doing.
“Capture momentum” by inviting them to participate in a six week study using the Man in the Mirror book and/or video series: (3rd one). If you choose to use the books, buy them near cost in the Books! By the Box program here: http://booksbythebox.org
Use the subjects in this article to whet their appetites to join you:
“Sustain momentum” at the end of 6 weeks by asking who wants to keep meeting and finish out the book/video study.
Continue to “sustain momentum and change” by having next steps lined up based on the concepts in our No Man Left Behind Model: https://nomanleftbehind.org
We’re a continuous improvement organization so please keep me posted, and feel free to ask questions and make suggestions.
I pray God will give you favor with all your men, and especially your younger men.
Until we reach every man…