Who is the one man you know most passionate about reaching men to become the godly men, husbands, and fathers God created them to be? (It could be you).
Would you do all three of us a good deed? Please invite him to look into a Field Staff position with Man in the Mirror at www.mimfieldstaff.org.
Everyone starts as a part-time volunteer, and a man can be operational in as few as 90 days.
As you grow and see results, you can continue part-time or progress into a full-time position. And both part- and full-time positions can become salaried.
Who do you know who would be the perfect candidate? Is it you?
What if you’re passionate about men’s discipleship, but not ready to turn it into a career? Check out the “four ways you can take the next step” link at www.maninthemirror.org for more options.
Let’s work together to advance the kingdom of Christ.
Until we reach every man…